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School’s Out!

June 7th, 2017 by mica
Austin officially finished up first grade!  Throughout the year, it was her friends that became the primary draw to school.  We finished off the school year with a pool party- sleepover extravaganza at our house.  It was nice closure to the end of the year and the end of our time at Ventana.  Austin is off to a new adventure and new school in Sausalito in the fall.  Oh my!

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June 3rd, 2017 by mica
Austin and her first grade friends have spent their lunch hour at school the last few months working on a play.  Together, they’ve written a script, memorized lines, designed costumes, built backdrops, added in music and dance- all to create their own version of Cinderella.  And all with minimal teacher involvement.  And guess who played the role of Cinderella?


After much drama (haha) and Austin missing the performance date due to stomach flu, the kids decided to do a “re do.”  We arranged bouquets for the budding actress:IMG_6870

And away we went to see the big show.  The play involved multiple costume changes, a choreographed ball dance with the kindergarteners, as well as accompanying piano and drum music, performed by the 3rd graders.  It was an elaborate performance for 7 year olds to have arranged!  And quite funny.  I was surprised by what they pulled off.

The ballroom scene:


And the clock strikes midnight!


The cast out for final call.IMG_6883

Well done, ladies!  I’m so impressed by the resourcefulness, drive, creativity and care these gals put into their play!

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Exploring and experimenting

May 28th, 2017 by mica
May continues to be a month of new adventures.


Austin and I spent a few days in Mill Valley together.  We stayed at a hotel, which is a rare and amazing treat for Austin.  She loves, loves, loves hotels. Meeting new people, seeing the gifts that are left behind on your pillow, sharing a room with mama, crawling into a big, comfy bed.  This hotel had an added bonus of a morning buffet spread, with a make-your-own-waffle station:)


She had fun wandering through the redwoods at the Old Mill park.


Back at home, she’s working on a project that she designed with Gentry, for the “feeling girls.”  Austin shows us such a rich emotional landscape.  It can be helpful to talk about the feelings she’s experiencing as characters inside of her (a la Inside Out).  I love how Mean Missy puts her hand on her hip just so and I love that I can tell her to send Mean Missy to Europe on vacation:)


After a long week of the stomach flu and pink eye, we needed to do blood work at the doctor.  She asked me to take a picture of her after she’d finished the panel to show dada what she had pulled off!  It was her first time getting her blood drawn and she was an absolute rockstar, with such a good attitude.  I love her smile and pride in this picture.


Meanwhile, at home, Ronan is up to more experiments.  He’s starting to work with fire and seeing how compounds change as they heat up.  It is so fascinating to him.  He was surprised when he came home one day to find a fire extinguisher that his mama had gifted him:)IMG_6816IMG_6830

I love spending Tuesdays with Ronan in the city.  After leaving Brightworks for the day, Ronan is usually in such a good mood and we enjoy exploring the city together.


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Start of May

May 17th, 2017 by mica
Ronan has been up to science, science, and more science.  Thankfully Brightworks embraces his passion and he gets to spend much of his day designing and executing elaborate experiments.  In this shot, he has convinced his teachers to let him work with hydrochloric acid and is starting to layer on protective gear for his big experiment.


In this shot, Ronan is preparing to film an experiment on acids and bases, using different liquids and red cabbage.  Through the process of filming his experiments, Ronan has also discovered a passion for documentary film-making, he explained to me the other day. I love how Brightworks is helping him to discover new areas of interest while supporting his love of science.


At home, he—s learning just about everything he can on thermodynamics, physics, chemistry.  The boy is a focused one.


He also enjoys breaks playing with Nugget.  The two have a mean wrestling game between them.  Nugget likes to come up to Ronan and —hug— him in this way, provoking their rousing play of tackling and growling.  


Austin and I have been enjoying many adventures together up north these days. How one can make the sidewalk in San Francisco into a fun obstacle course was something I never would have seen coming!


The other day we took the ferry to Sausalito:


I love this shot of Austin:


Wandering through Sausalito, Austin made friends with the shop keepers and visitors on the street.  She found a new friend in the toy store, —Poppy,— to bring along with her on her adventures.


And back on the ferry to San Francisco with her new friends and a beautiful rose from Lianda…


Austin has been going through a bit of a rough patch these past few months and it is wonderful to have moments together of fun, lightness and exploration.  


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April 11th, 2017 by mica
A new month– full of flowers,


Nugget play,


and fun, new additions to Byrne (come play with us!).



Receiving payment for the earnings from her art show was a huge moment for Austin.  After paying back all her expenses, she took home over $300.  As we counted out the money and passed it along to her, she beamed with pride.  She has been carefully considering how to spend her new fortune and so far has purchased a package of Swedish fish (to enjoy with the family) and a fancy ball gown (for her role in the Cinderella play she is creating with friends at school).


Ronan has been busy wandering around San Francisco on new adventures.  Here we are after school one day, poking around Chinatown.  He was delighted to find a fortune cookie factory down this alley and bought a big bag to share with his classmates at school.


Ronan’s main interest continues to be science.  I came home one day to find him re-creating the periodic table in flash card format.


He is deeply into his passions and it is fun to watch his learning unfold…IMG_6539

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Could this be school?

March 24th, 2017 by mica

It’s time for me to brag on Brightworks. Here are a few snapshots of what his class has been up to the last few weeks, as they enter their last arc of the year,  “by water.”

A few weekends ago, the Blue Band had the chance to board a historic ship, docked on the San Francisco coast line, to re-enact life on a 1906 ship.  DSC_0173-e1489436928732-681x1024Ronan had an amazing time and came home with so many stories about ship life, as well as new sailor words and sea shanties.  The only part he said he wouldn’t repeat was the “night watch.” Haha.  His crew was roused from their warm beds in the middle of the night for a 2 hour silent watch shift.  More sea stories can be found at the Blue Band blog post here  DSC_0039-768x511

Following this experience, the kids visited several museums, a master boat crafter, and the open sea, to learn how to row and how to build boats.  Eventually they found themselves immersed in a series of experiments exploring buoyancy.


From buoyancy, they moved into the idea of floating, and eventually took on the challenge of building a boat strong enough to float one person (out of cardboard and plastic).

FullSizeRender-1-768x57632685967423_590e2476de_zCardboard Boats

Just yesterday the kids went out to Stow Lake to test their boats on the open water.  Ronan’s teacher wrote a great summary of the day’s events here, detailing all the project and social learning that went into the boat challenge.

Cardboard Boats

The blog post that Mackenzie wrote is such an amazing example of her work as a teacher. The boat challenge is less about the outcome of the boat’s strength and more about the process of learning to iterate, make mistakes and work together as a group.  She pours out positivity on the kids all day long, seeing the”good” in each of them while pushing them to grow further into their potential.  Her work as a teacher seems deeply aligned with her vocation.


We asked Ronan if he wanted to go to the cabin with us for the last snow of the season and he politely declined, saying he didn’t want to miss school.  What?!!

Much gratitude for this place that Ronan now actually calls his “home.”

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Odds and ends

March 14th, 2017 by mica

The past few weeks have been full of visits, events and friends. We had the pleasure of hosting the Da Rosa family at Byrne a little while back.  It was fun to see how quickly and naturally the cousins fell into relationship with one another.


The boys went on a field trip together o Angel Island to learn about the history of immigration on the island.  I was having some envy of my own.


A sweet moment between these two loves!IMG_6440

Friendships continue to be of utmost importance to Austin.  She lights up when she’s around her people!


Austin worked hard on all the details for her 7th birthday party.  Here she’s drawing the cakewalk for her “game” theme party.


This past weekend I was away at a Hakomi training while Gentry spent the weekend with the kiddos.  Here’s a shot from breakfast out and about at Alice’s. Looking at this pic more closely, Ronan seems painfully ready for his pancakes. I introduced the concept of “hangry” to Ronan one afternoon and he laughed and laughed, making me double check that the word was indeed in the dictionary.
It was fun to return Sunday evening and hear all the stories and fun that the crew had been up to while I was away.  It’s a good life when you have the time to take a break and engage in a personal interest AND when you get to come home to such a loving family.

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Pokemon Art Show

March 7th, 2017 by mica
At the end of February, Austin had the chance to display some of her Pokemon art in the “Go Show!” at a small gallery in San Francisco.  As you can imagine, this was a much anticipated evening.  At her haircut, Nini was so sweet to spend extra time putting in a waterfall braid for Austin.  She felt so special and beautiful for her big night!  IMG_6395

So many friends and family members showed up to support Austin at the show.  It was heartwarming to watch our circle of people show up and shower Austin with flowers, love and attention.  Austin was beaming!


The day after the show, I asked Austin to reflect on what the experience was like for her.  Here’s the transcription, in case you can’t read her note!

Pokemon art show




Lots of friends came

A glowing feeling




Thank you all for supporting Austin and helping to create a night that she will remember for a very, very long time!


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Green Hills

March 2nd, 2017 by mica
What a beautiful time of year to be at Byrne!  Come visit us:)


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Austin is 7!

March 1st, 2017 by mica
People have always told me, but it is hard to believe how quickly it all goes.  Austin is now 7!

She woke on the morning of her birthday to a trail of paper 7’s, leading her to different treasures and small presents around the house.  IMG_6385

The last treasure trail took her to a part of the house that I had converted into an artist studio for Austin.  She loves having a quiet, undisturbed place to work and I had a lot of fun setting up her art supplies as well as the brushes and smocks from Grandee’s art studio.


Here she is in her new studio space!


The evening of her birthday, she prepared a menu for her dinner guests and walked around with a notepad, taking everyone’s order.  She slipped me pieces of paper with each person’s name and food requests and I became the sous chef in the back, getting meals ready for her to deliver.  Completely her idea for how to spend a fun evening!


Austin opened her present from Gentry and I to find a wooden xylophone.  She has really enjoyed playing her new instrument and mastering songs.  She seems to be a natural.


The school birthday celebration was also a wonderful time for Austin.  She walked around the “sun” seven times, and with circle around the class, I told a memory of Austin from each year of her life.


She was beaming on her special day, getting to hand out treats and celebrate with her friends.


Getting to be silly at times too!IMG_6361

Seven years in and Austin continues to be such a source of joy for our family.  True to who she was when we first met her, she loves to be with people.  Over the years, we are getting to see more and more of her natural desire to care take as well as all of her many artistic interests, from performing, to painting and drawing, to music and dance.  She is full of interests, creativity and so much life!  Happy birthday love.

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