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Could this be school?

March 24th, 2017 by mica

It’s time for me to brag on Brightworks. Here are a few snapshots of what his class has been up to the last few weeks, as they enter their last arc of the year,  “by water.”

A few weekends ago, the Blue Band had the chance to board a historic ship, docked on the San Francisco coast line, to re-enact life on a 1906 ship.  DSC_0173-e1489436928732-681x1024Ronan had an amazing time and came home with so many stories about ship life, as well as new sailor words and sea shanties.  The only part he said he wouldn’t repeat was the “night watch.” Haha.  His crew was roused from their warm beds in the middle of the night for a 2 hour silent watch shift.  More sea stories can be found at the Blue Band blog post here  DSC_0039-768x511

Following this experience, the kids visited several museums, a master boat crafter, and the open sea, to learn how to row and how to build boats.  Eventually they found themselves immersed in a series of experiments exploring buoyancy.


From buoyancy, they moved into the idea of floating, and eventually took on the challenge of building a boat strong enough to float one person (out of cardboard and plastic).

FullSizeRender-1-768x57632685967423_590e2476de_zCardboard Boats

Just yesterday the kids went out to Stow Lake to test their boats on the open water.  Ronan’s teacher wrote a great summary of the day’s events here, detailing all the project and social learning that went into the boat challenge.

Cardboard Boats

The blog post that Mackenzie wrote is such an amazing example of her work as a teacher. The boat challenge is less about the outcome of the boat’s strength and more about the process of learning to iterate, make mistakes and work together as a group.  She pours out positivity on the kids all day long, seeing the”good” in each of them while pushing them to grow further into their potential.  Her work as a teacher seems deeply aligned with her vocation.


We asked Ronan if he wanted to go to the cabin with us for the last snow of the season and he politely declined, saying he didn’t want to miss school.  What?!!

Much gratitude for this place that Ronan now actually calls his “home.”

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