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Beach Boardwalk

August 20th, 2017 by mica

At summer’s end, we’ve adopted the tradition of going to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk– a last hurrah of sorts.  This year, Austin was particularly excited to be tall enough to go on whatever ride she wanted to in the park.  First stop, the Giant Dipper!IMG_7368
Turns out Austin loved the big roller coaster and was excited to try all the “scary rides” in the park.  Not much fear in this little one!  One of our favorites ended up being the “Double Shot,” where we were propelled 125 feet in the air, feeling the rush of free-fall back to the earth.  We were able to get Ronan to join in on this ride and it ended up a favorite for him as well!
Everyone in the crew loved the Sea Swings and the feeling of freely gliding above the ocean.
Smiles as we ride the Gondola over the park.

What a wonderful, magical summer it has been!

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