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The Bleachers

September 14th, 2013 by mica

Yesterday, we were eating lunch by Rinconada Park on the top bleacher.  In slow motion, I watched Austin roll off the bleacher and free fall (face down) to the concrete below.  It was a terrifying, sinking feeling, to say the least.

I was amazed by a few things.  One– she landed in the best possible way to protect her body. She bumped her chin and it bled heavily, but it could have been much, much worse.  Two- Ronan’s “crisis” management skills were incredible.  He ran down the bleacher steps faster than I and was by her side, doing whatever he could to calm her down.  He gently let her know that we’d be walking to Teacher Abby’s room where they had the softest paper towels and band-aids and that we’d fix her up. He succeeded in soothing her and was even able to differentiate when her cries were “real” and “fake,” something that I’m not yet skilled in doing!  He let me know that from now on, I should listen to him on this matter.  He’s probably right…


This small miss that ended with minimal harm was a reminder of how everything could change in an instant.  Life is precious and tenuous.  These days of health and togetherness are gift.

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