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What is the Birdie up to?

March 4th, 2013 by mica
Austin still has her sweetness and nowadays, a good deal of spunk and sass.  One moment she will be smiling and cuddling in your lap, and the next moment in an incredibly dramatic display of rebellion and opinion.  Why do they never tell you that 3’s are really the age to be reckoned with?  I need to capture a few shots of the “dark” side of the 3’s, but for now, we can enjoy the precious side.  

Birdie loves choosing dresses each and every morning:
And she loves her “goodies.”  (Nice mailbox cupcake!)


Proud of her new rainbow shirt, courtesy of Lisa and Heath.


And her beautiful, new dress, thanks to Grandee and Pops.

One can never foresee the outfit combinations…

Like her older brother, Birdie will sometimes get lost in play and focus, focus on the task before her.

And she still loves taking care of any baby that comes her way. 

Personality is coming out of her ears!  It has been an incredible test of patience to allow her the space to be a 3 year old and fight the limits, while at the same time trying to give her the very limits she needs and is searching for.  Kids!  It is certainly not a land filled with mai-tais but one of constant challenge, joy and growth, all wrapped up in one messy bundle.

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