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Snowed In

March 23rd, 2011 by mica
We’ve just returned from an amazing weekend away at the cabin. Record snowfall. Can you see a cabin in this picture somewhere? This shot was taken at the beginning of the weekend, before an additional 7 feet (at least) of snow piled on top of this base.


After Gentry worked so hard to make a path and stairs into the cabin, the next morning, he begins again!


Apparently there is an art to stair making, which Gentry is quickly mastering.


Ro on his way out to play…


Crazy boy wiggling around in the mountain of snow gear:


One of my favorite parts of the cabin is making our way out to it. The road ends and we put on our packs and make our own path through the snow. Quite a challenge when you sink into snow up to your mid-thighs, but thanks to our snow shoes, we had great fun carving out a path. Ronan made us proud with his attitude during what is certainly a long walk for a little guy.




Austin taking a snooze…



After a great few days of playing, relaxing and being together, we headed home. Here’s a shot from the walk back to the car, with Ronan repeating, “I want to stay here for all the days and nights.”


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