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The Happenings

June 14th, 2010 by mica
How lucky am I to get to spend my days with these little ones?

Austin is growing so fast.  She’s holding her neck up well and discovering her hands and feet.  Soon are the days when both kids lurch for the same toy:)
Here the little lady is looking up at the trees in our backyard.  Ro and Austin share the same past-time…
This is my view a good chunk of the day.  Austin still loves to sleep in the baby carrier and I get to look down and see her sweet face sleeping. 
In other news, we’ve learned that Ronan has a peanut and dairy allergy.  We’ll return to the allergist next week to see if there are any additional allergies.  So we’re having to steer clear of his great loves– cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt.  Poor guy.  We’ve found a few suitable substitutes.  Can you tell that he likes the tofutti cream cheese?  Licking the plate clean and leaving behind any fruit and vegetable.  That’s my Ronan.
This last story cracks me up.  We were at the pool this past weekend.  Ronan splashed for a while in the water but later discovered that there were snail shells hidden along the back fence.  He was thrilled to find shell after shell and collect them in his little plastic bucket.  All the kids are jumping in the water or eating hamburgers and fries while Ronan is captivated by his overflowing bucket of snail discoveries.  That’s my Ronan again.
Have a great week!

One Response

  1. Erica

    so cute!

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