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Local boy makes good: Palo Alto Daily runs story about Ronan’s ass

February 1st, 2009 by gentry

We like to think Ronan’s got a face that everyone, not just his mother, could love. In fact, we think he’s the absolute cutest kid that God ever decided to grace the earth with.

Of course we recognize that we’re not exactly objective here, and that maybe our opinion could in some circles be considered biased, but still it came as a surprise when the local newspaper decided to run a story that was in part on our little Ronan … and ended up printing a full-scale shot on the cover … of his diaper-clad bottom.

I mean — we’re honored that Ronan made the front page. But what’s wrong with his face?


You can click on the image to read the story but basically it talks about how we’re one of the first customers of a new green compostable diaper service that works just like disposable diapers except the, um, “remains” get picked up and turned into topsoil instead of thrown into landfills. It’s a great service, one that we hope will grow and grow, but honestly that’s not the point right now.

Do you see that butt? If you were running a newspaper, is that the angle of Ronan you’d pick to sell your papers? I know that with the advent of the internet the smartest tacks aren’t exactly flocking to traditional print jobs, but come on people. This is Ronan we’re talking about. Our pride and joy. He’s cute. Seriously, he’s cute. He smiles on cue. He smiles even without cue. Heck, you can fill a memory card with Gerber-baby-caliber smiles without even trying.

And yes, I know the story is about diapers but let’s try to think a bit more abstractly here. Show the happy kid who’s wearing the diaper. See? It’s good for the environment and even Junior likes it. Feel good piece of the year. Done.

Or, grab a zoom lens and fill the frame with a close-up of a big, fluffy diaper. Your call. You’re the professional.

At least Mica looked cute.

4 Responses

  1. Shelly

    Okay! Great story, but I have to say, I’m less interested in his ass than I am in Mica’s hair! Did you cut your hair! You look amazing….but you always do. What is the story and yes, Ronan is adorable no matter the angle. Hope all is well. Love,

  2. Melissa

    I LOVE it!! you guys crack me up! and you are, also, totally right. What were they thinking???? well, congrats anyway and yes! Mica you look great! love the haircut! :)

  3. Heath

    Way to be a “green” family. G, I get your point, but maybe their picture says it all — baby butts… what holds them and what comes out of ’em. Mica, your new haircut looks great.

  4. Parvin

    Omg, so random but my brother’s fiance asked me last week if I saw this article. Then I just happened to check your blog today and saw this! You are so funny. They should have taken a pic of Ronan, because yes, he is actually like a real, live, smiling Gerber baby!! But at least his butt is still cute & you looked super cute! Hope he’s all better and hope to see you guys Tuesday:)

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