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Ronan meets a real camera

November 26th, 2007 by gentry

I’ve managed to grab a computer with an internet connection for a few minutes and dump some of the real-camera shots taken over the course of this very long first day.

A warning to the reader: from here on out for, oh, say the next 20 or so years, the blog posts may tend towards long descriptions and too many photographs of seemingly minor or boring things. I’m starting to feel what so many parents describe — the undeniable draw towards the cuteness of your own kid long after everyone else is ready to move on. It’s not too late to unsubscribe.


The surgery was surreal. I couldn’t bring myself to take a peak at Mica’s insides, so I stayed with her behind the curtain. It created a pretty cool experience where we both ‘watched’ the birth with our ears and a lot of eye contact with each other. Once Bunderwood was out, though, I looked over the cloth wall in disbelief. It’s not that you don’t believe a baby is inside of her, or that it’s coming out, but once it does, and you see him for the first time, then he’s not just an idea, or a bump, or a source of endless nausea. He’s a vibrant, kicking, blue alien that might as well have been dropped from outer space. The only tie he has to this world is the umbilical cord which runs back into his mommy, proof that this little miracle is somehow emergent from the mundane.

When Ronan (still Bunderwood at the time) got his first check-up he met it with endless curiosity.


My finger, his hand. Below, mommy’s first chance to hold little Bunderwood.


Grandma and grandpa Stevens rallied early this morning to come say hello to their new family member.


So far Mom has had little to no sleep for 2 days (though I hope as I write this that she’s finally getting some rest). In spite of that, she continues to meet her boy, her visitors, and all the staff with the same gentleness you see here:


Ronan is a (very small) part Cherokee, and I can’t help but think about that when they wrap him up and make him look like a Plains Indian wearing a Navajo chief’s blanket. Of course it’s not like the Cherokee went running around in Navajo weaving, but that’s not the sort of thing a new daddy thinks about.

A rare photograph of Little Running Poo

Then once you put his cap on him he changes personalities entirely. I’m not sure who he becomes exactly, but I can tell you that the name Ronan fits him particularly well at moments like this one:


13 Responses

  1. dcoughlan

    Amazing pictures. The kid is pretty cool, too :) Congratulations!

  2. Lisa

    Yay for abundant pictures of the little guy! He already has a full range of personalities it looks like…I especially like his poses for pictures. :)

  3. Lydia

    OH — these are beautiful, tender photographs — and what a wonderful name! We are so happy for you three…

  4. Jenny

    Wow! Bunderwood is quite photogenic for such a little one. Ronan is a great name for him.

    You all are doing great! Congratulations and enjoy these first days of joy! Hopefully I will be joining you guys in the celebration soon :)

  5. Kelly

    What a darling baby boy! Such wonderful early photographs…
    Congratulations you guys:)

  6. Uncle Steve

    This digital camera/computer thing is amazing. How else could those of us far away be able to share so quickly.
    What a wonderful time and we thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to share.

  7. Melissa

    What a beautiful baby boy. And I love the name Ronan. Many congratulations- you must be so proud. I am so happy for you.

  8. Aaron

    Little Running Poo is an awesome photo. We thought Elijah looked like an eskimo his first few days. Interesting how they start off looking so aboriginal. I just looked up what aboriginal means: “having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state”

  9. Linda

    To quote my family at times like these: Mazel Tov! Great news. We’re looking forward to hearing little baby noises through the walls. Can’t wait to meet our newest neighbor.

  10. Liora

    Oh! I’m pretty speechless right now…I’m just so in awe. What a beautiful little guy. I’m so happy for all three of you (Ronan is very lucky to have been born into such a wonderful family.)
    I’m so happy! XOXOXO

  11. Bertil

    Congratulatons mom, dad, and all family.

    Ronan allready looks like a champ to me.

  12. Kelly

    I love the photos. Ronan is adorable and his uniq

  13. Kelly

    Congratulations. Ronan is adorable and looks like a spirited and strong guy already. Mom and dad look great, too.

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