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Happy Halloween!

November 8th, 2016 by mica
Halloween festivities started out this year with a “spooky dinner” at the Packard household.  Lisa is so creative with decorations and food to make the night fall in theme.  This year we were lucky to have Grandma Carol join as a very special guest!



Austin decided to be the Pokemon character Charmander and we worked together to create this  outfit for her.

Ronan decided to don the light suit once again.  This year it fit a wee bit better and he became a master at manipulating the controls to create custom light shows for the candy givers.  Smart kid figured he could work the system to get more candy:)


We made a last minute decision to stay in the Bay for Halloween with a forecast of rain in the city.  After a short period of time out and about, the kids had filled up their pumpkin containers and their arms were heavy with treats.  We made a stop at the Nana and Baba’s house to dump out the loot.


(Notice that someone gave her an entire bag of Hershey’s bars.  Whaaaaaat?)


And back out again for more!  The kids were unstoppable and had worked themselves into a routine of light shows and polite manners to play the game of maximizing candy collection.


And finally back to Nana and Baba’s house to end a very successful evening of trick-or-treating.  Turns out their neighborhood was an amazing last minute find–  wide, uncrowded sidewalks to run between houses, very generous candy giver-outers, and a perfect stopping point in between to dump out heavy candies:)


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