Bunderwood & Co.

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Last of October

November 2nd, 2016 by mica

These days I’m finding fun easily with Ronan.  On Tuesday we explored the city on foot, met new friends in uberpool rides (Ronan won them over with his candy offerings), played charades, read books and watched a documentary he was excited about on the rise and fall of the Neanderthal. Conversation is always interesting and ideas are free flowing.


I credit Brightworks for much of this new found energy and enthusiasm.  Here’s a glimpse of his desk.  It’s the first time he’s ever had his own space at school and it’s fun to see how he chooses to decorate it.  (Orange box contains precious rock and coin collection).IMG_5487

Most Tuesdays, Ronan and I go from school to visit Miju and her two cats, Audrey and Lou. Ronan seems to speak their language and we find it to be a wonderfully calming time after a crazy day at school.


Austin is busy with friends, writing and art these days.  She’s very excited to finish publishing her story for author’s cafe this week.  In this pic, she is helping me to decorate my Halloween costume.  We had so much fun choosing colors, splashing them around and getting all messy.


Austin loves her drawing dates with Gentry, out and about, with pencils and paper in hand.  I enjoy thinking of them creating together in social spaces.


While life flows smoothly with one child these days, Austin is giving me a run for my money by showing me the full range of emotions that a 6 year old girl experiences:)  She is teaching me much about myself as I try to parent a child with a very different interior landscape than her older brother.  Tonight, as a way to catch up and get some space from all the feelings related to the day, we went out for a hike at sunset.  Nature has a way of calming both of us and it was so beautiful to be out together during the last light of day.


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