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November 24th, 2014 by mica

On Friday, I had the chance to visit Ronan’s classroom for “Savory Stories.” During the morning, the children sang a few songs of gratitude (and yes, I was *that* parent in the class with teary eyes) and we all shared a potluck of dishes connected to our family’s heritage.  It was a special time together as a community and inspiring to see all of the different cultures and countries that are represented in Ronan’s classroom.

One of my favorite parts of the morning was holding Ronan’s hand as he eagerly ran me around the room, showing me all the projects he has been working on.  When asked what Ronan most liked about Ventana, he contributed this answer to the class quilt:


Here are a little more of the quilt.  I like the importance of the chickens to the children!


Below is a self-representation made from recycled supplies around the classroom.  (Orange triangle nose is Ronan).IMG_1254

And here is the center of Ronan’s “heart map.”  He worked on identifying and expressing the things in his life closest to his heart.  Besides family, he included school, “me creating,” “me reading,”the cabin, and man-o-war.

It was special to have a glimpse into what happens during their school day and to see the resulting creativity and self-expression…

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