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Weeks flying by…

February 11th, 2014 by mica

Slow down, slow down, slow down. I’m finding as I simplify life with the kids and bring more intention into our days, we are all enjoying the pace and the sweetness.

Here’s Ronan waking up Austin from her nap. He has the rare gift of being able to rouse her without bringing out her usual post-nap grumpies.


Celebrating the year of the Horse with an old-fashioned, school-wide parade (i.e. carry musical instruments and make as much noise as humanly possible while walking through the classrooms)


Austin welcoming the rain and her new feats of balance.


A rainy afternoon painting project. Rainbows and gardens are the usual subject of her art these days.


Ro working on Valentines for his classmates.


So, this freaky doll has a backstory (as well as a second head). Underneath her dress is a Cinderella head and so if you hold Belle upside down, she magically transforms into Cinderella. A dream come true for Austin- two princesses in one! You may ask, where did we find such a “treasure”? Well, I took the kids to Goodwill one morning in search of puzzles and they found many unexpected surprises. Ronan was delighted to see how far his allowance money would go and spent the morning finding the perfect present to buy for Austin to make her happy. I love it when the generous side of him comes out.


Over the weekends, Gentry and Ronan tackle different building projects. It is fun to watch Ronan practice his skills into the week. Here, he’s disassembled his project with Gentry (a mechanical crane) and is working on an automated car. He was so proud to show Dada what he’d done on his own.


Last, but not least, just chilling at Three Brothers with a monster quesadilla. Life is pretty good.







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