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Back to Basics

June 20th, 2013 by mica

I’ve been inspired by a book called “Simplicity Parenting” and have started to re-work the basic architecture of our family life.  We’re still in the early stages, but it has been a lot of fun.

I’m currently motivated (or perhaps obsessed) with the project of de-cluttering our space.  Gentry and I completed the office this weekend and I cleaned out the kids’ rooms while they were away at Nana’s house last night.  Sneaky trick, right?  I cleared out bags and bags of toys and books and clothes and who knows what.  It is amazing how much stuff can pile up.  I put a few basic art supplies in their rooms to work on projects.  I was expecting some push back today when they entered their very sparsely decorated rooms, but the reaction was completely unexpected.  They were delighted and started creating right away. They pushed me out of their rooms to get started in on their projects.  Ronan stayed in his room for a 2 hour quiet time!


I’m also *trying* to slow down the pace of our activities and have more free time at home.  Previously, this idea has felt like torture– to face the possibility of parental boredom and isolation!  Surprisingly, I’ve  found that a lot of the busyness out in the world has been of my own doing and that we all function better with much less to do.  Seth, Austin and Ronan got a ton of mileage out of these cardboard boxes in the yard, and unexpectedly, I had some free time of my own while they happily played and imagined out back.


One of my new favorite traditions that we are implementing surround meal time.  Each week, each child gets to pick the dinner menu for a night (with a little adult help to round out the meals nutritionally!).  We cook the meal together and the child gets to present the food to the family.  I love how proud they are of their creations.


Tonight Austin chose homemade macaroni and cheese, a green salad bar and fresh, strawberry slushie.


We’re only a few weeks into re-working life around here– de-cluttering and simplifying– and the process has been surprisingly rewarding.

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