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Birthday Boy

December 17th, 2012 by mica
It’s hard to believe that our little astronaut turned five at the end of last month!  As part of his birthday celebration, he went to the planetarium with Elle (dressed as the moon) and Gentry (in the costume of the sun) for a special night viewing of the sky.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it to the show, but I heard plenty of stories afterwards about it!


We had a small birthday party with a few friends in the neighborhood– outer space theme, of course.  The kiddos worked on creating their own rocketship and went searching for “moon rocks” in the backyard.  It was a sweet and simple celebration.

Five years into this crazy thing called parenting, I find myself in a continual process of growth and amazement.  Ronan certainly has many challenges that frustrate me and teach me to let go.  And he also comes with incredible gifts.  His curiosity, creativity, deeply philosophical nature and his loyalty are so unique to his person.  We saw hints of this all at 5 days, and at 5 years, it’s more engrained and more exceptional.  It is fun to watch this all unfold and to be such an integral part of his development.

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