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Halloween Night

November 12th, 2012 by mica
An astronaut and a horrifying monster on the loose in the streets of Palo Alto:
One of my favorite stories from Halloween this year came from watching Ronan in action.  He carried around a small container of pumpkin seeds from our home.  After trick-or-treating at a house, he’d offer the candy giver a pumpkin seed to “plant (their) own pumpkin.”  I mean, who thinks of bringing something along to give back while trick-or-treating?  Ronan always surprises me…

While trick-or-treating, Ronan was careful to make sure he did not duplicate candy choices.  He somehow memorized the package design and colors and would reach for a new type of treat.  He wanted to be certain that he had one of each variety represented in his collection.  And when we returned home, he organized his bounty in such a way that reminded me of another crazy candy organizer from her childhood.  I’d forgotten how methodical I was about sorting and counting and organizing.  I guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree…

In contrast to Ronan’s selectiveness, Austin grabbed the first chocolate candy she saw and chomped down.  No sense wasting time deliberating!  I like her quick decision making:)


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