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Exploring the Parks

January 4th, 2010 by mica

I love neighborhood parks.  Ronan practices climbing and jumping and sharing (ha ha) while I get the chance to connect with friends and meet new moms and dads.  They are a wonderful invention.

Here are some action shots of Ro, working on his gross motor skills:)



For a kid who tends to err on the side of caution, I’ve been particularly impressed with his climbing endeavors as of late.  I turn my head and he’s at the top of a rock wall, or manuevering up a ladder.


Practicing his letters…


Not 100% sure what he thinks about this chatty kid, but Ro is happy to be bounced up high in the air.


And lastly, a look of satisfaction and pride after making it to the top of the wall.


One Response

  1. Uncle Steve

    These short visits with Ronan are neat. He sure is a lucky little boy.

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