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An Ordinary Week

October 12th, 2009 by mica

Just a few shots from a week in the life of Ronan…


His favorite activity as of late– playing with Lego animals.


And then there is his fascination with the spice rack– taking them out, putting them back in, stacking them on top of one another.  This game never seems to get old.


Trying to see if he can fit into the toy box:


Wrestling with the animal puppets:


Hamming it up for the camera:


Double-fisting a grilled cheese.  Ro seems to get the munchies after swim class.


That’s what we’re up to these days…

One Response

  1. Andrea Mallard

    Ahhh! Lining up and stacking things! Ronan could have taken a page from Finlay Mallard’s playbook. I’m sorry to have to tell you both this, but, your son will become an engineer one day. Better to let this news sink in slowly, over time, than try to fight it. We went to counseling and are slowly but surely coming to grips with his condition. ;)

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