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With Nana’s help

April 12th, 2008 by mica

Today I was able to take a short nap, clean up the house, run a few errands, and catch my breath, all of which gave me the space to step back and reflect on how lucky I am to be Ronan’s mom. As you might have figured, this wouldn’t normally be possible for the mother of a four month old– except I have a secret weapon, Nana (code name for Grandma Nancy). I am grateful for her help week after week and Ronan mightily enjoys his time with her as well. Here are a few photos and a clip from their playtimes together.


On Nana’s lap


Trying on Ronan’s new hat for Spring in the California sun


2 Responses

  1. Heath

    Fight the good fight, Ronan! Stay skin cancer free! Looking good.

  2. Jenna

    you can really see the stevens in him in that first picture… looking like his grandpa thomas. i look forward to seeing you guys this week!

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